Minutes of Elsworth Parish Council meeting held online via zoom 7.30pm Wednesday 20th January 2021
Chairman Peter Deer (PD)
Councillors Alison Brolls (AB) Victoria McNeil (VM) David Pope (DP) Margaret Stevenson (MSt) James Witherow (JW) Rob Askham (RA)
Clerk Mrs E Sim (ES)
In attendance D Cllr Nick Wright, D Cllr Mark Howell, C.Cllr Mandy Smith, 1 Parishioner
2021/01-1 To receive and approve apologies for absence
2021/01-2 To receive declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda. None
2.2 For declarations of interest received, Councillors to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter at the agenda item prior to discussion. None.
2.3 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any). None
2.4 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate. None.
2021/01-3 Public Participation/Forum – 10 minutes
To allow members of the public to raise comments on items for future agendas or on items that are on the current agenda. To allow any members of the public and Councillors declaring an interest to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at that meeting. Following this members of the public are not permitted to take part in the discussion.
Forum was adjourned until Item 6.4 was taken at 20:16
2021/01 -4 To sign & approve the Minutes of the Council meetings dated 18th November 2020
It was proposed, (VM) seconded (MSt) and unanimously approved that the Chairman sign the Minutes with no amendments.
4.1 Matters to Report from the previous minutes.
4.2. To receive the Clerk’s Update.
• A letter of thanks has been sent to Edward Quince and Kate Middleton for kindly donating the Christmas tree.
• Flooding. This has become a major issue since the floods at the end of December. A new ditch has been dug behind the school which is now channelling the water into the ditch that feeds Water Lane. This new ditch has cut across the public footpath. County Rights of Way officers have done a site visit and feedback is awaited. The ditch on Brockley Road has been cleared by E Davison and County Highways subsequently cleared out the drains running from the culvert near the bend, which were badly silted up. E. Davison is proposing clearance of ditches to the west of the village on Brockley Road towards Cambourne which currently flooding over the road at times of heavy rainfall. In addition, he is proposing to install a pump to divert water from flooding Avenue Business park into the ditch that runs down Brockley Road to the junction of Smith Street.
• The Defibrillator has been returned from the US after servicing, following its malfunction after being soaked. A new cabinet and new electrical connection have been installed on the wall of the Poacher in a position which will not catch the water from the leaking guttering. The loan defibrillator is to be returned. EAAS has been informed of the current location and details of the defibrillator updated. Clara Davies has kindly agreed to be a stand-in for regular checks.
• Highways’ issues. County Highways have been chased over the number of faults reported that have not been rectified.
• SCDC has provided hand sanitisers for the community shop, the sports pavilion and the hairdressers. These are for external installation.
• Outreach post office at the pavilion. Complaints have been received about the irregularity of this service and notification of closure. The service has not been available for some weeks. Papworth Everard post office is to close.
• Dog doo doo. A new dog bin has been installed on the footpath in Brook Street. Complaints have been received about the amount of excrement in black bags being thrown into ditches and hanging from tree branches near Avenue Business Park.
• 4 new flat swing seats have been delivered and fitted by RA.
• Tree Applications received. Tree warden and Parish Council :No comments for all.
Reference: 20/2471/TTCA Lordship Cottage 1 Fardell’s Lane Elsworth
Reference: 20/2496/TTCA41 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridge
Reference: 21/0027/TTCA 9 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB234JR
• Item of Urgent Business. Assets of Community Value. Renewal of the District Council’s Community Asset certification for the Sports Pavilion, the Sports Field and the Community shop were required. Councillors agreed unanimously that all these assets should be re-nominated.
2021/01-5 County Council and District Council Business
5.1 County Council Update.
Cllr Smith reported that she has requested the County Council and the Environment Agency to look into flooding issues in Elsworth. The Chairman noted that extensive amounts of information had been passed to the County Council by the Community Flood Group but that it had not been acted upon. The Chairman requested that organisations cooperated with each other and with local farmers to update information on flooding issues and provide improved maintenance of drains and culverts. Cllr Howell advised C19 Legislation had been passed down to Parish Councils re: awarded watercourses. Elsworth Brook is not an awarded watercourse and the DC would not want to take on a watercourse. DCllr Howell agreed to contact Pat Matthews, a former DC officer who dealt with issues relating to the brook. Cllr Smith agreed to contact the County flood officers.
5.2. District Council update.
Cllr Howell updated the Parish Council on the three different proposals for transportation routes (A 428 upgrade, east west rail proposals and autonomous metro) from Cambourne to Cambridge. He advised the Council of the serious outcome of a station for the East West Rail being sited north of Cambourne, in terms of parking facilities and future housing developments. The Chairman reminded councillors of the representations that had been made to the various consultations held to date and to the Member of Parliament about this impact on Elsworth.
Cllr Wright advised the Council that he had recently taken over as the Chairman of the Elsworth School Governors. The School suffered from flooding before Christmas and a new ditch had been dug to divert the flow of water and a culvert unblocked. The school was still operating with about a quarter of its pupils being those of key workers.
Cllr Wright left the meeting at 20:15
2021/01-6 Planning
To Note
The Dovecote at Martins Farm has been added to the Buildings at Risk register, South Cambridgeshire for Greater Cambridgeshire Shared Planning Service
Tree Works Applications received.
Reference: 20/2471/TTCA Lordship Cottage 1 Fardell’s Lane Elsworth
Reference: 20/2496/TTCA41 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridge
Reference: 21/0027/TTCA 9 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB234JR
Tree warden and Parish Council: No comments for all
Planning Applications dealt with
6.1 20/04952/LBC
2 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire. Mr Richard Hyde
Replacement of 1 No. bathroom window. Noted: PC recommendation: Support + Comments
6.2. 20/04831/LBC
1 Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HX Mr Peter Rylance.
Replacement of timber frame elements, replacement of modern cement render and installation of French drain
Noted: PC recommendation: Support + Comments
20:16 the Chairman opened the public forum.
One member of the public present. Item raised. Agenda Item 6.4 20/04791/FUL
Resident: Thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak on the proposed Construction of 2 No. detached dwellings, including demolition and re-construction of existing former shop and replacement of demolished barn to form a garage
Resident: commented that the proposed application
• Constituted an overdevelopment of the site
• Proposed dwellings should retain the same size and volume as original two cottages on the site
• Outbuildings proposed size is considerably larger than original buildings
• Proposed roof heights are out of character with existing buildings adjacent to the site
• Concern about possible exacerbation of flooding from run off contributing to flooding problems in Brook Street
The Chairman thanked the resident for their comments and Council would discuss this within the Agenda.
Public forum closed at 20:20 in order for the Parish Council meeting to recommence.
Applications to consider
6.3. 20/04919/HFUL
14 Church Lane Elsworth CB23 4H Thirteen One Limited
Single storey rear extension, erection of front porch, replacement of windows and render to the external walls.
The Council considered that the Planning Authority needed to satisfy itself over changes that had been made following original approvals and that this application was intrinsically linked to the application 20/04791/FUL. PC: recommendations would be contained in comments to the Greater Cambridge Planning Authority
6.4. 20/04791/FUL
Land to The South Of 29 Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HR Crispflint Limited
Construction of 2 No. detached dwellings, including demolition and re-construction of existing former shop and replacement of demolished barn to form a garage.
PC recommendation: object. Extensive Comments to be sent to Great Cambridge Planning
All Comments on planning applications may be viewed on the Great Cambridge planning portal
2021/01-7 Finance
7.1 To approve payment of accounts. Councillors unanimously approved the invoices detailed in Appendix 1. (Prop DP Sec VM)
7.2. Notice of receipts received Noted . Detailed in Appendix 2
7.3. To note receipt of External Audit. Noted.
7.4 To agree a precept request of £23,000.00 for the financial year 2021 -2022. Councillors unanimously agreed to request a precept of £23,000.00 (Prop PD Sec JW)
2021/01-8 Village Matters
8.1 To receive a report from the Village Tree Warden on village tree maintenance requirements.
Paul Harding the Village Tree warden presented an enhanced report entitled “Assessment of obstructions to Elsworth Brook (Smith Street to Reservoir spillway) in relation to perceived risks of flooding”
Councillors thanked Paul Harding for his extensive and thorough report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. (Appendix 3) They noted the problem of fallen trees that were contributing to flooding issues. JW proposed that the Council should take note of what needed doing and pay for this work to be undertaken. He offered his assistance.
8.2 To receive a report from the Fardell’s Lane Management Committee. The Chair reported that PH would present a report on tree issues around the village to an early meeting of the PC.
Councillors noted the report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. (Appendix 4). The Clerk advised the Council that Berry Kenny was standing down as Chairman of the Fardell’s Lane Reserve Committee and a vote of thanks was proposed to Mr Kenny for his long and valuable contribution to the work of the Committee.
Date of next Parish Council meeting. (online) March 17th 2021
Dates of future meetings in 2021. May 19th (Annual Parish Council Meeting) July 21st September 15th November 17th
Annual Parish Meeting (if held) TBC
There being no further business, the meeting was declared closed at 21:42