Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Elsworth Parish Council for the purposes of considering and resolving the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below.
DATE: Wednesday 20th January 2021 TIME: 7.30pm VENUE: Via Zoom link:
Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 842 7588 1300 Passcode: None
Mrs Elizabeth Sim, Clerk/Proper Officer to Elsworth Parish Council, 13th January 2021
COUNCILLORS: 7 QUORUM: 3 The public and press are cordially invited to be present
AGENDA 2021/01
2021/01-1 To receive and approve apologies for absence
2021/01-2 To receive declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
2.2 For declarations of interest received, Councillors to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter at the agenda item prior to discussion
2.3 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)
2.4 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
2021/01-3 Public Participation/Forum – 10 minutes
To allow members of the public to raise comments on items for future agendas or on items that are on the current agenda. To allow any members of the public and Councillors declaring an interest to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at that meeting. Following this members of the public are not permitted to take part in the discussion.
2021/01 -4 To sign & approve the Minutes of the Council meetings dated 18th November 2020
4.1 Matters to Report from the previous minutes
4.2. To receive the Clerk’s Update
2021/01-5 County Council and District Council Business
5.1 County Council Update
5.2. District Council update
2021/01-6 Planning
Applications dealt with
6.1 20/04952/LBC
2 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire. Mr Richard Hyde
Replacement of 1 No. bathroom window. PC recommendation: Support + Comments
6.2. 20/04831/LBC
1 Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HX Mr Peter Rylance.
Replacement of timber frame elements, replacement of modern cement render and installation of French drain
PC recommendation: Support + Comments
Applications to consider
6.3. 20/04919/HFUL
14 Church Lane Elsworth CB23 4H Thirteen One Limited
Single storey rear extension, erection of front porch, replacement of windows and render to the external walls.
6.4. 20/04791/FUL
Land To The South Of 29 Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HR Crispflint Limited
Construction of 2 No. detached dwellings, including demolition and re-construction of existing former shop and replacement of demolished barn to form a garage.
2021/01-7 Finance
7.1 To approve payment of accounts.
7.2. Notice of receipts received
7.3. To note receipt of External Audit
7.4 To agree a precept request of £23,000.00 for the financial year 2021 -2022
2021/01-8 Village Matters
8.1 To receive a report from the Village Tree Warden on village tree maintenance requirements.
8.2 To receive a report from the Fardell’s Lane Management Committee
Dates of future meetings in 2021. March 17th., May 19th (Annual Parish Council Meeting) July 21st September 15th November 17th
Annual Parish Meeting (if held) TBC