Minutes of Elsworth Parish Council meeting held online via zoom 7.30pm Wednesday March 18th 2021
Chairman Peter Deer (PD)
Councillors Alison Brolls (AB) Victoria McNeil (VM) David Pope (DP) Margaret Stevenson (MSt) James Witherow (JW) Rob Askham (RA)
Clerk Mrs E Sim (ES)
In attendance D Cllr Nick Wright, D Cllr Mark Howell, C.Cllr Mandy Smith, 7 Parishioners
2021/03-1 To receive and approve apologies for absence
2021/03-2 To receive declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda.
JW declared an interest in Item 7.4. (landowner).
2.2 For declarations of interest received, Councillors to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter at the agenda item prior to discussion. Not requested.
2.3 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests. None.
2.4 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate. N/A
2021/03-3 Public Participation/Forum – 10 minutes
Item Raised: Closure of farm road (Meadow Drift) and private “property no access” signs erected.
Residents commented
• For many years walkers have used the route along the Pitt Dene farm road from Meadow Drift to the reservoir to link up with the public footpath that runs from Paddock Row to Conington and to the footpath which goes to Pitt Dene farm and then on to Hilton, together with other paths on Pitt Dene land.
• ‘Private property – no access signs’ have been put up on Meadow Drift and the footpath (No 9) that runs from Paddock Row has become virtually unpassable near the reservoir due to farm machinery having driven over it
• A notice would be put up in the shop asking walkers who have used these routes to leave their details so that evidence of usage could be collected.
Item raised: Flooding.
Residents commented that
• Recent flooding had caused three cars to be damaged
• The junction of Paddock Row and Fardell’s Lane had become a mill pond
• Parishioners in Paddock Row were moving items from ground floor to upper levels of houses
• A scheme for a channel to be dug behind the school to alleviate the flooding should be resurrected.
Cllr Wright outlined reasons why the proposed channel behind the school had not been progressed since it was first considered twenty years ago.
It was noted that an email approach had been made to the County Council by the Parish Council in late January following the flooding, requesting dialogue with the flood officers, and their help with the resurrection of and their participation in the Elsworth Community Flood Group in order to make progress towards the alleviation of the drainage problems in the village. It was noted that no response had been received apart from a read notice to the email. The Council requested that Cllr Smith ascertain where documentation that had been held by the County was kept and that she make early arrangements for all parties involved to engage in discussions.
2021/03 -4 To sign & approve the Minutes of the Council meetings dated 20th January 2021
It was proposed, (DP) seconded (JW) and unanimously approved that the Chairman sign the Minutes with no amendments.
4.1 Matters to Report from the previous minutes. There were none.
4.2. To receive the Clerk’s Update
The Clerk reported:
- Street lights. The Parish Council is finalising arrangements over electricity supply for the five lights that the Parish Council owns in the village. Two lights on the Drift malfunctioned. The PC light at the top of the Drift has been repaired and the other (a District Council light) is scheduled for repair.
- Street Signage. The District Council has been contacted again regarding replacement of damaged street signs in Cotterell’s Lane and Rogues Lane. Paul Harding has suggested requesting additional street signs for various places in the village (ref: Appendix 1). Councillors agreed to request the additional street signage.
- Public Footpaths 2 and 9. County Footpath officers have been contacted with regard to both these public rights of way.
2 – Re: the ditch that has been constructed behind the school and clearance of the culvert to prevent flooding in the school premises. The County Council has been requested to reinstate a bridge over the new ditch.
9. – Re the state of the public footpath from Elsworth to Conington. This is now almost impassable due to the very wet winter and machinery having run over it. Footpaths in general appear to have seen unprecedented usage during the pandemic, with many people coming out to rural locations from neighbouring towns. The erection of signage on Meadow Drift and on farm roadways near the reservoir advising of no access over farmland private property was done without warning to the Parish Council, but it is understood that similar measures are being taken by many local farms.
With regard to footpath 9 the County Rights of Way officer will inspect it. With regard to other paths used by walkers he has suggested that the Parish Council might approach the landowner to see if they will grant permissive rights to walk along this route, which can be detailed in a short Permissive Path Agreement between the landowner and the PC or CCC; or seek the dedication of paths as Public Rights of Way; or make a claim to have the Definitive Map and Statement modified on the assertion that a public footpath (or bridleway or restricted byway) has come into existence. This usually requires an applicant to demonstrate that the path has been used by people for a significant period of time (usually 20 years) without force, secrecy or permission.
The Council resolved that, in the first instance, dialogue with Pitt Dene Farm should be sought. Contact would be made with the managers of the farm.
- Elsworth School. A new head teacher, Mrs Elizabeth Bennett, has been appointed and will take up the position in September. Correspondence has been received from two of the school governors regarding the problems of traffic at school drop off and pick up times. Agreed that the PC would participate in renewed discussions with the school and other bodies initiated by the school.
- PC meetings. To date no clarification has been received by NALC from the government with regard to holding Parish Council meetings online after May 6th when current legislation expires. The government is being pressed to clarify the position.
- Community Payback Teams. These are unlikely to start functioning again until the end of July at the earliest.
2021/03-5 County Council and District Council Business
5.1 County Council Update
Cllr Smith reported
- The County Council was keen to establish riparian ownership of various verge areas in the village and in due course would write to relevant residents to advise on their legal obligations.
- Cllr Smith updated Parish Councillors on the Cultivate Grant that was open for application
- Potholes on Brockley Road were scheduled for repair in the coming week.
- The drains overflowing on The Drift were due to be jetted on the next programme schedule.
- The LHI programme could be used for applications for schemes to alleviate the traffic problem in Broad End during school drop off and pick up hours.
5.2. District Council update
Cllr Wright reported
- He had been reappointed Chair of the Elsworth School Governors
- The school was staggering its drop off times with a 10-minute gap but nevertheless there were severe traffic problems on Broad End and in Fardell’s Lane as more parents were bringing children to school by car because of the pandemic. He would be happy to work with the Parish Council to resolve the issues. Many parents would like Fardell’s Lane closed to traffic.
- East West rail. There is anxiety over the proposed position of the station to the north of Cambourne. Cambourne supports a station to the north, the rail developers favour a southern route. Villages to the south have opposed this and two consultations have taken place on the southerly route but no consultation has been held on the proposed northern site. This needs to be held for villages in the north to be able to express their opinions.
- The Call for Sites for the local plan has produced the majority of proposals in this area. The District Council has sufficient land for the proposed number of houses required in the next 5 years with the Bourn airfield and west Cambourne sites. The problem is not the Local Plan but the siting of the proposed station which would bring massive house building as the government requires the railway to be paid for by housing development (Approx. 70,000 houses). The cost of the rail going north is high as it would need to cross the A428 twice. South Cambs is divided on this issue as most councillors are trying to keep the railway away from their villages. Cllr Wright encouraged the Parish Council to engage widely including neighbouring communities with the County Councillors and planners.
2021/03-6 Finance
6.1 To approve payment of accounts.
Councillors unanimously approved payment of the following. (Prop VM Sec PD)
Land Registry Fees HM Land Registry 12.00
Clerk’s remuneration Parish Council 601.20
Elsworth Times Pendrill Publications 75.00
Computer equipment HP Inc UK Ltd 3.49
Computer equipment HP Inc UK Ltd 22.49
Elsworth Times Thomas Harris 30.00
Data Protection Fee Information Commissioners Office 35.00
Clerk’s remuneration Parish Council 601.20
Web site hosting Guava Design 120.00
Computer equipment HP Inc UK Ltd 3.49
Clerk’s expenses Parish Council 45.19
Total 1,549.06
6.2. Notice of receipts received
29/01/2021 Interest PC savings a/c Nat west 0.04
29/01/2021 Interest Sect 106 The Causeway 0.02
29/01/2021 Interest Wakelin donation account 0.08
31/01/2021 Interest Sect 106 The Drift 0.02
01/02/2021 Interest Santander Account 0.18
26/02/2021 Interest PC savings a/c Nat west 0.04
26/02/2021 Interest Sect 106 The Causeway 0.02
26/02/2021 Interest Sect 106 The Drift 0.02
26/02/2021 Interest Wakelin donation account 0.08
01/03/2021 VAT refund 769.27
02/03/2021 Interest Santander Account 0.16
Total 769.93
6.3. To consider whether the Parish Council wishes to take on membership of CAPALC again.
Councillors resolved not to take up membership.
2021/03-7 Village Matters
7.1 To propose the re-nomination of Mr Ian Maddison for the Parish Council’s Trustee of the Samuel Franklin Fund.
PD proposed Mr Maddison be renominated as a Parish Council Trustee. Agreed Unanimously.
7.2. Web site – To receive an update from David Pope.
DP had circulated a report to Councillors (Appendix 2). He requested feedback from members within the next two weeks.
7.3. Play area. To receive an update from The Chairman.
An oral update was given by the Chairman concerning funding and other matters relevant to the play area including the possibility of a substantial (anonymous) donation toward the cost of refurbishment.
21.30. Councillors agreed to extend the meeting by a further 30 minutes.
7.4. East West Rail proposals. To consider a consultation with the village.
Dealt with under 5.2. Councillors agreed to consider at the earliest opportunity how a consultation might be held.
2021/03-8 Planning
Applications dealt with
8.1 20/05352/LBC & 20/05351/HFUL Application for Listed Building Consent. 15 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB23 4JR
Conversion and extension of outbuilding adjacent to 15 Cotterells Lane and removal of open framed structure in rear garden. PC recommendation Support + comments
8.2. Notice has been given that Louise Young of S&C Productions Ltd has on 08 February 2021 applied to South Cambridgeshire District Council as the Licensing Authority for a Premises Licence. TL3555760586 (OS map reference) known as Childerley Orchard Childerley, Cambridge. PC recommendation Object + comments
8.3. Application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition.
20/03708/CONDA 38 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridge
Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Relocate oil tank) and 4 (Details of Materials) of planning permission. FIO
Applications for Works to Trees in a conservation area/ protected by a TPO
8.4. 21/0192/TTCA. 41 Boxworth Road Elsworth CB23 4JQ.
No comment
8.5 21/0254/TTPO 55 Boxworth Road Elsworth CB23 4JQ Mr Garr
TPO 0007 (2000) T2: T1 OAK remove decayed North Eastern stem; reduce height of remaining stem by 3ms and reduce laterals South to South West by 2.5ms to rebalance and mitigate exposure from removal of North Eastern stem (due to decline of North Eastern stem and presence of ganoderma fungal brackets at base of stem. PC and Tree Warden No comment
8.6. 21/0228/TTCA Brook Street 20 Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HX. Ms Hutchinson T1 Oak of MWA Arb Report Works: Remove Reason: Clay shrinkage subsidence damage at neighbouring property 24 Brook Street. FIO
8.7. 21/0280/TTPO Low Farm Brook Street Elsworth
Proposal: TPO Lime tree in G34 is very rotten at the base and is likely to fall very soon. leaning over the garden increasingly. T1 to be removed. Dead elm in conservation area covered in ivy and completely dead. roadside and so is dangerous for passing traffic and pedestrians. SCDC has issued an outcome of ‘no objection’.
Applications determined/closed by SCDC
8.8. 20/04952/LBC 2 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 4HX. Permission Granted
8.9. 21/0027/TTCA 9 Cotterells Lane Elsworth CB23 4JR. SCDC No Objection
8.10. 20/04336/HFUL 16 Brook Street CB23 4HX. Mr & Mrs H Higgins. Permission Granted
There being no other business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21:58
Dates of future Parish Council meetings in 2021.
May 19th (Annual Parish Council Meeting) July 21st September 15th November.