
Meeting 27 April 2021

Agendas Uploaded on May 14, 2021

Notification of a Planning meeting to be held on

Date: Tuesday April 27th 2021 Time: 07:30pm Venue: Via Zoom link Meeting ID: 894 9041 6167


1. S/4522/19/LB.
Applicant: Mr Matt Hare. One Station Square, Cambridge, CB1 2GA
Site: Martins Farm 53 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridge CB23 4JQ.
Proposed works to repair and maintain the Grade II listed Dovecote

2. S/4521/19/FL
Applicant: Solopark Ltd
Site: Martins Farm 53 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 4JQ
Proposal Erection of 10 dwelling houses and associated infrastructure and works including formation of new vehicular access following demolition of existing buildings and works of repair to existing Dovecote building

Amendment to the above application. The amendment is:
The amended plans incorporate the following amendments:
• Views from the front of the site look through to the listed Dovecote to the rear of the site
• Plot 5 has been rearranged to become part of a larger building
• The design of Plot 5 has been redesigned to reflect an overall simple appearance
• Car parking serving plots 6 and 7 have been moved forwards to accommodate
• larger garden areas for these dwellings
• Rear dormer windows within plots 4 and 5 have been removed
• Footpaths within the middle of the site serving the dwellings have been removed
• Removal of proposed tree adjacent to the bins/fence area has been removed
• A curved wall along the access is proposed

3. 21/00569/FUL.
Applicant: Alan Hutchinson
Site: 14 Church Lane Elsworth CB23 4HU.
Proposal: Demolition of garage, construction of a new dwelling and the addition of a rear extension, render cladding, new windows and new porch to existing bungalow.

4. 20/04919/HFUL
Applicant: Thirteen One Limited
Site: 14 Church Lane Elsworth CB23 4HU
Proposal: Single storey rear extension, erection of front porch, replacement of windows and render to the external walls.

5. To Note: 21/0466/TTCA Application for Works to Trees in a Conservation Area. 2-4 Fardell’s Lane Elsworth. T1 To be felled ASAP due to serious decay, split and funguses over the driveway and 2 outbuildings posing a serious risk to property, vehicles and people. SCDC has issued an outcome of ‘no objection’.