
Planning Applications for tree works received – Elsworth C of E School, Rectory Farm, 34 Brook Street, 54 Boxworth Road

Planning Applications Uploaded on May 2, 2024


  • Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
    Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    Proposal: SITE 86
    Reduce group of 8 Thorn & Ash by 4M in order to gain sufficient clearance from 11KV overhead line.

    Site 86A
    Mixed species group: Crown reduce by 4M (below conductors) and side prune by 3M (trees to side of conductors) in order to gain sufficient clearance from 11KV overhead line.
    Site address: Elsworth Church Of England Primary School Broad End Elsworth
    Reference: 24/0457/TTPO
    Public Access link:

  • Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
    Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    Proposal: B65C SITE 81
    Side reduce mature Ash by 2M including any branches overhanging conductors.
    Site address: Rectory Farm Brook Street Elsworth
    Reference: 24/0459/TTPO
    Public Access link:


  • Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
    Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    Proposal: B65C Site 82
    Ash x1: Light prune one side of crown Southern aspect by 1M to increase clearance to 11kv Overhead line.
    Site address: 34 Brook Street Elsworth Cambridgeshire
    Reference: 24/0460/TTPO
    Public Access link:


  • Works to Trees Protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
    Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
    Proposal: South Eastern end of TPO area as identified on planning portal appears to overlap area of trees which are having an effect on the 11KV overhead line as it passes through wooded area.

    Required work is:
    Mixed broadleaf woodland group, Side prune or crown reduce as appropriate depending on position of tree in relation to conductors by 3M.
    Fell all scrub beneath Overhead line.
    Re-planting not appropriate due to requirement to maintain safety clearance from overhead powerline.
    Site address: 54 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridgeshire
    Reference: 24/0458/TTPO
    Public Access link: