Whilst the local press has carried various announcements regarding the OxCam Arc and Michael Gove’s indication it was being ‘flushed away’, there remain many interested parties who have a financial stake in it continuing to progress the plans.
A member of the Parish Council attended the recent webinar run by the Stop the Arc Group. This provided an update on the recent developments and how plans continue to be developed within commercial organisations, including seeking overseas finance for development. This is similar to that which has happened around other parts of Cambridge. The webinar can be found at
Stop the Arc’s ‘The Ox-Cam Arc….what’s next?’ meeting | Stop the Arc Group (noexpressway.org)
In addition East West Rail rumbles on with the Government refusing to say what their plans are or to provide any business case as has been requested by our MP on behalf of parishes and interested organisations.
Of more concerning is the latest views of Network Rail published in the latest edition of Rail Magazine. Here they are mapping out East West Main Line (!) and how East West Rail needs to be planned for the future. It clearly sets out that a lot more money is required to upgrade infrastructure than originally planned to gain the real benefits to the Network. For the village as always is how this is paid for and exploiting the site of Cambourne station through major development will be key.
Have a read of the article as attached Document_2022-04-29_154603 Rail magazine 1-combined