Local Plan graphic

Greater Cambridge Local Plan

The preferred options for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan will be published for full public consultation later this autumn. Prior to consultation, the proposals must go through the scrutiny processes of both Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils.

The Greater Cambridge Local Plan team have published the draft preferred options for the Plan, known as the First Proposals, which include their suggestions for sites which they feel are suitable for development.

The interactive map link is:

The full digital plan site is now live at:

While they have published these documents as part of the scrutiny process, this is not a consultation stage. The proposals for public consultation are currently planned for 1 November-13 December 2021.

Whilst there are currently no preferred options that affect Elsworth directly, there is no clarity on where the additional 1,950 houses in Cambourne will be sited.

Villagers should also remember that an housing linked to East West Rail and the OxCam Arc will sit outside of the Local Plan, so do remain engaged in all these developments.

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