Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council which will take place on
DATE: Wednesday 21st July 2021 TIME: 7.30pm
VENUE:: The Grain store New Farm Rogues Lane Rogues Lane.
Mrs Elizabeth Sim, Clerk/Proper Officer to Elsworth Parish Council, 14th July 2021
COUNCILLORS: 7 QUORUM: 3 The public and press are cordially invited to be present
AGENDA 2021/07
2021/07-1 To receive and approve apologies for absence
Public Participation/Forum – 10 minutes
To allow members of the public to raise comments on items for future agendas or on items that are on the current agenda. To allow any members of the public and Councillors declaring an interest to address the meeting in relation to the business to be transacted at that meeting. Following this members of the public are not permitted to take part in the discussion.
2021/07 -2 To receive declarations of interest & requests for dispensations
2.1 To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda
2.2 For declarations of interest received, Councillors to inform the Chairman if they wish to speak on the matter at the agenda item prior to discussion
2.3 To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)
2.4 To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
2021/07-3 To sign & approve the Minutes of the Council meetings dated 5th May 2021
3.1 To receive the Clerk’s Update
2021/07-4 Reports and updates
4.1 County Council
4.2. District Council
4.3. East West Rail.
4.4. Fardell’s Lane Reserve Committee
4.5. Web site
2021/07-5 Finance
5.1. To approve payment of accounts
5.2 Notice of receipts received
2021/07-6 Village Matters
6.1. To receive an update on the proposed lease for the sports field, children’s play area and community shop
2021/07-9 Planning
7.1. Planning Applications considered.
- S21/01438/FUL Land North East of Castle Acres Boxworth Road Elsworth. Mr S Booth
Erection of an agricultural building for the storage of hay and straw and machinery (instead of building with prior approval under ref 21/00634/PR106A). PC: No recommendation with comments. - 21/01904/HFUL 55 Boxworth Road CB23 4JQ. Erection of Greenhouse to the front. PC: no recommendation with comments.
- 21/02510/HFUL 35 Boxworth Road CB23 4JQ. Demoltion of existing extension and construction of new extension. PC recommendation: Support
- 21/02515/FUL Elm Lodge Meadow Drift CB23 4HS. Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of a 5 bedroom replacement dwelling together with garage, driveway and landscaping. PC recommendation: Support with comments.
- 21/02470/LBC 20 Brook Street CB23 4HX. Partial demolition of ground floor for the removal of existing concrete floor and to replace it with a breathable limecrete floor, removal of the concrete apron and excavate to approx. depth of 150mm and the trench to be lined with butyl membrane, excavate and install 100mm upvc drains. PC recommendation: Support
- 21/02345/HFUL. 45-47 Boxworth Road. Installation of 14 solar panels on south esat roof. PC: No recommendation with comments.
- 21/02318/HFUL. 31 Smith Street. CB23 4HY. Detached Garden Room with sanitary provision. PC recommendation: Support
7.2. To note the following Planning Applications received FIO
- S/3882/19/CONDB AGRESERVES LIMITED Barn 2 Pittdene Farm Rogues Lane Elsworth
- S/1955/19/CONDB S/1955/19/PA Submission of details required by condition 9 (contamination) on prior approval. Agricultural Building At Pitt Dene Farm Elsworth Cambridge CB23 4JA
9.3. Applications for Works to Trees in a conservation area/ protected by a TPO
- 21/0280/TTPO Low Farm Brook Street Elsworth CB23 4HX Granted Permission
- 21/0632/TTCA 5 Brockley Road Elsworth CB23 4JS DC No objection
- 21/0590/TTPO case is linked to 21/0254/TTPO ( T2: T1 OAK)
Site address: 55 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Applicant: Mr Garr. Retrospective application
9.3. Applications determined/closed by SCDC
- S/4521/19/FL Martins Farm 53 Boxworth Road Elsworth Cambridgeshire CB23 4JQ Erection of 9 dwellinghouses and associated infrastructure and works including formation of new vehicular access following demolition of existing buildings Refused Permission
- 21/01656/HFUL 13 Brockley Road Elsworth Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB23 4JS Two storey side extension. Granted Permission
- 21/00569/FUL Church Lane CB23 4UH. PC request for application to be considered by planning committee was considered at the shared Planning Service Delegation meeting on 29.06.2021. It was decided that this application should be a delegated decision.
Dates of future Parish Council meetings in 2021.
September 15th November 17th.