A Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Wednesday January 15th 2020 in Elsworth School at 7:30pm
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on November 20th 2019
4. Update on items from the November 2019 PC meeting
4.1. Warden Scheme (VMc)
4.2. Renovation of the children’s play area (RA)
4.3. Acquisition of the A14 funded MRVS (Cllr. MS)
5. To Appoint LGS services as Internal Auditors for financial year 2019-2020
6. Report of Monthly accounts
7. To set a Budget and agree the Parish Council precept for 2020-2021
8. Clerk’s DC/CC/FLC updates
9. The Elsworth Times Newsletter and related matters. (ref Note From PD)
10 Planning
10.1. To receive details of SCDC’s proposed changes in determining planning applications.
10.2. S/3067/17/FL Solopark Ltd Martins Farm, 53, Boxworth Road, Elsworth, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 4J
Extension, alteration and conversion to existing outbuildings to form two dwellinghouses, formation of new vehicular access and associated works and Infrastructure. Application withdrawn
10.3. S/4326/19/LB Mr & Mrs Allen 15, Cotterells Lane, Elsworth, Cambridge, CB23 4JR
Re-laying of tiles to rear roof slope including replacement tiles as necessary. Replacement window to rear elevation PC recommendation: Support
10.4. S/4364/19/DC Mr Alan Hutchinson14, Church Lane, Elsworth, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 4HU
Discharge of Conditions 3 (finished floor levels), 4 (hard and soft landscape), 5 (boundary Treatment), 6 (Biodiversity enhancement) of planning application S/1948/19/FL. For information only
10.5. Decision notice received
S/3882/19 Mr Benjamin Conway Barn 2, Pitt Dene Farm, Elsworth CB23 4JA
Prior approval for a change of use of B1(C) Units to two residential dwellings
11 Dates of meetings in 2020
March 18th Parish Council Meeting
April 22nd Annual Parish Meeting
May 20th Annual Parish Council Meeting
July 15th Parish Council Meeting
September 16th Parish Council Meeting
November 18th Parish Council Meeting
Elizabeth Sim Parish Clerk January 8th 2020