
Elsworth Parish Council Website Policy.

Policies Uploaded on May 16, 2021

Purpose of policy

1. To ensure that we fulfil all the legislative requirements on the council when having a website in place.
2. To ensure that all the required information is published in a format that is accessible to parishioners and other interested stakeholders.
3. To provide guidance on the additional information that we will publish on the parish website.


These are set out in The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 which aim to ensure reasonable adjustments to websites are made, so they are accessible to people with various disabilities.

We need to comply with our obligations under GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. By utilising a compliant website provider, we can ensure that we are able meet our Accessibility and Privacy requirements.

The requirements are set out in the Govt’s transparency guide for smaller authorities

What should be loaded?

We will ensure that all relevant Parish Council business is published in a prompt and timely manner, so that villagers are aware of the business being carried out by the Parish Council.

We will also publish information in the News section that the Parish Council believes will help villagers in understanding issues that may affect the village or villagers. The fact that an issue, covered within a Parish Council meeting, is not referenced in the News section does not mean it is not important.

We will also maintain a directory of information that may be useful to villagers, however the intention is that this should be a link to other sources of information about businesses, clubs, societies and other groups, rather than provide details of their operations and engagements.

The role of the Parish clerk does not include adding the events of clubs and societies to the website.

Comments section

The Parish Council has decided that the website should not provide a comments function, as it is not the Parish clerks responsibility to act as a moderator.

Errors and Corrections

If any information is incorrect, then please email the Parish Clerk with the details.

Version 16 May 2021